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i would like you to know …

… Nancy Wiley, an accomplished artist and celebrated doll maker. Her exhibits are prestigious and her clients are celebrity collectors such as novelist Anne Rice, actors Andy Garcia and Ray Liotta and actress Demi Moore. In 1996, Moore tapped Wiley for a high profile assignment to costume her as a doll for the cover of George magazine.


Nancy was one of the featured artists in the original Where Women Create and I am on my way to her new studio in upstate New York in November to photograph all that she is and all that she does for the magazine. I love the doll makers almost more than anyone.



What they create is magical and it is so “forever”! We begin our passion for dolls when we are young and it continues until we are much much older … at which time we give those collected memories to our daughters and our granddaughters in hopes that they will love our dolls as much as we did.





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i would like you to know …

… Nancy Wiley, an accomplished artist and celebrated doll maker. Her exhibits are prestigious and her clients are celebrity collectors such as novelist Anne Rice, actors Andy Garcia and Ray Liotta and actress Demi Moore. In 1996, Moore tapped Wiley for a high profile assignment to costume her as a doll for the cover of George magazine.


Nancy was one of the featured artists in the original Where Women Create and I am on my way to her new studio in upstate New York in November to photograph all that she is and all that she does for the magazine. I love the doll makers almost more than anyone.



What they create is magical and it is so “forever”! We begin our passion for dolls when we are young and it continues until we are much much older … at which time we give those collected memories to our daughters and our granddaughters in hopes that they will love our dolls as much as we did.





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Remember: If it is created by hand, it comes from the heart.