The Artisan Food Entrepreneur

Profiles In Passion And Success

Come along on an artisan food journey with twenty of the top female foodie entrepreneurs in the industry.

Chapter by chapter, you’ll be carried away with beautiful photography and inspiring stories from restaurant owners, farmers, beekeepers, bakers, and more. Immerse yourself in the passionate journeys of these successful women, and gain valuable advice for your own business along the way.
Discover tips and personal accounts from leading food connoisseurs, such as:

  • Joy Wilson, the new super girl in the world of baking, among other honors, was named as having one of the “Top 50 Food Blogs in the World” by the London Times.
  • Cheryl Jamison, considered “America’s Outdoor Cooking Expert,” has co-authored (with her husband, Bill) 16 cookbooks, many of which have received The James Beard Foundation’s top honors.
  • Lisa Dupar, with a wildly successful catering company, two restaurants, and an IACP First Book Julia Child Award, she’s considered to be one of the top culinary talents in America as well as one of the most powerful players in the Seattle food establishment.
  • Susan Curtis is the founder of the prestigious, internationally acclaimed culinary school and market, Santa Fe School of Cooking, specializing in foods of the Southwest.


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